KNX system The building autom­ation

KNX systems are a solution for the inte­l­li­gent manag­ement of comme­rcial buildings. For more comfort, more safety and more energy savings.

Open up the poss­i­bi­l­ities with KNX systems from Unihoms

KNX is an ideal solution for cont­ro­l­ling elect­rical equi­pment in the service sector at a reas­on­able cost. Regard­less of the type of building conc­e­rned, it allows you to cent­ra­lise energy consumption data and to better control them. With Unihoms KNX, it is poss­ible to create scen­a­rios and to control lighting, open­ings (roller shutters or blinds), energy, heating or even air cond­it­io­ning.

What are the KNX systems?

The KNX prot­ocol is a unive­rsal mult­i­m­edia standard that offers almost unli­m­ited poss­i­bi­l­ities in the field of building manag­ement (from 100 products). It is the most powe­rful and advanced home autom­ation solution on the market. It allows the autom­ation of building applic­at­ions such as hotels, offices or shops.

Smart home and building solutions.

Global. Secure. Connected

KNX is IoT

Introducing the new KNX IoTech: the future of IoT in Home and building automation.

KNX is Secure

KNX Secure is there to use. Find out all ways to make your KNX Installation secure.

KNX is Sustainable

Building a more sustainable future for smart living

KNX Hotel Solutions

Build KNX Smart Hotel Solutions WIth Tantron and Boonlive.

Outstanding design meets
comp­re­he­n­sive comfort

The new KNX Touch Control is a room control unit and tempe­rature cont­ro­ller in one and masters the art of touch like no other. The inno­vative design fits disc­re­etly into any ambience – from upscale resid­e­ntial buildings to repre­s­e­ntative comme­rcial buildings. Design frames ensure the harmo­n­ious inte­g­ration into the favored switch range.

Basic / Expert

Inte­l­li­gent visua­l­isation, intuitive operation – easier than ever before. domovea is the smart home solution for the netwo­rked building control system.

An integrated solution

KNX has a 28 years of experience in building automation. You can work with different products from different manufacturers. KNX can even be coupled to other systems and is independent from any hard- or software technology. Moreover, our technology can be used in both new as well as existing buildings. A KNX installation can be easily extended and adapted to new needs, with little time and financial investment. KNX can be implemented in both small-size family houses as well as large buildings.

A future proof technology

Any automation solution you’re using today will have our innovation at its core. By using Unihoms KNX you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.

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